Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do these shoes make my butt look smaller

Click to watch video Some shoemakershave enjoyed booming sales growth, thanks in part to shoes that promise to tone legs and glutes. can do that. I was just teasing. Nike has not produced any toning shoes. The oddly shaped shoes have their fans and critics. Medical skeptics say there have not been legitimate, independent studies proving the benefits of these types of shoes over traditional pairs. Dr. Paul Langer, a podiatrist at Minnesota Orthopaedic Specialists, tried them out and told CNN last summer, can say that after a day in clinic, my legs feel tired and the shoes feel heavy (they are much heavier than conventional shoes). Because the shoes are unstable, muscles must [work] harder to stabilize the foot and leg. I would never propose that these shoes would replace a conventional fitness routine. Anything and everything will get some results if you really out of shape; the science is quite clear on that point. That includes ridiculously inefficient methods such as these shoes. I must say good for Nike for not jumping on this bandwagon just to make a quick buck in the short term. In the long run the outrageous claims associated with this fad will diminish the credibility of anyone who promotes these shoes as a fitness solution. July 3, 2010 at 14:14 | I bought Sketchers Shape Ups about six months ago, and Ithey really work. These are the only shoes that I have ever worn that relieve the hip and back pain from four back surgeries. Even my shoulders and neck feel better. They REALLY do work on your gluteus muscles, abdomen, and legs. I tried another brand before trying Sketchers, and I did not like them, as they made me feel like I would fall. I lost ten pounds in six months without dieting. They were the most expensive shoes I have ever bought. I paid $99, and they were worth every cent. I am going to buy another pair at the end of the summer. There is an independent study concerning these shoes (see link above), and it repudiates the claims of negative heel shoes having any effect. It is only from a respected journal of sports medicine. The industry has NEVER SEEN anything ramp up like this, but they have lso NEVER SPENT on advertising like this. If sounds too good to be true, it probably is, folks.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Personality attributes of bloggers from Science Blogging forum on Nature Network

This is quite interesting, Helen. Since I am not sure that the article itself is very accessible, I just copy out the definition of the five because I didn know really what neurotic meant. That predicts NN use pretty well! And they get quite often back to the fundamental question why do you blog? Back to you, Helen! The article itself is subscription-only so I can read only the abstract. As well as their definition of with which one might take issue, one can also question how they assigned these personalities to their subjects (we all know how intrinsically unreliable these types of study are from many notorious examples, for example how superficial are these apparent personality traits and were they assigned by self-assessment which is even more notoriously inaccurate than external assessments?). I have never met anyone who isn in some aspect, whether that person is apparently (that day) introverted or extroverted. (And yes, I do know a little about these definitions.) I wondered about the sample sizes and composition. There were two studies reported, Heather notes that one of them is of 25 male and 57 female US undergraduates. Enough said. I don believe a word of any subsequent conclusion based on a sample of that size and composition. I suppose this is covered in the article itself, but how long had these people been blogging for, how regularly did they post, what level of content, etc? As I listed in my presentation at Sci Blogging, and was discussed at another parallel session; as Martin Fenner has written in a subsequent post; and many others have written and said people for all kinds of reasons and for many different purposes. Blogs themselves are a medium not (only) a message: they can and are used for a host of different purposes. I do not attach any value to this study based on what I can see of it. I would be hesitant to draw a too wide conclusion based on undergraduates who blog as in the among everyone sure, it might be true that females who blog are more neurotic. Although, all those fashion blogs written and maintained by women seem to be less neurotic and more at this lovely cardigan/shoes/hat think, although I have no proof of it, that it will depend on the of blog if the woman behind it falls into the neurotic category or not. Then again, it the age old thing that men tend not to show their insecurities as much as women so I don know if the attribute erally is a relevant one.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hate to be Rude

And I'll walk in as many miles on the shelf for a time could you wouldn't be where in those shoes what are they four inches. I -- Christian movement on. I got a good -- on us. Again get that -- -- do -- speaking of fashion you're gone from some dug down the brits down. Now let me ask you this I got -- dogs right here if I put these -- we'll look like your Secret Service. I look like they're asking yes that yes this is -- you know offense a lot of good nickname. The walrus. Little poison the golden Bears of the -- wear the Pink Panther fall on the list of great golf that. And it's been there. Anthony Clement. The panther. Right now the return of the pink Panthers one of the movies that was kind of your story when you won the US open came back from the bum deal with the return the Pink Panther I think yeah. Now when you guys use. When you won the open it would have you may have made you made a list of things you wanted to do you. How many of you picked off that bucket list. Happ and that the work that I wanted. But I did get diaper bag that I have volleys on the -- and then what does it hurt his. Doesn't that bed thinking and it went right again and. -- handbag yes it's a lot out of my my what your thoughts from a range of what the what on this expenses and that. I don't know maybe three and 10200000. For a person that. -- Phillies plan like this with you hit a 100000 dollar -- they want. They wouldn't watch it when you went to the bathroom they would steal you get out there speaking of dating and do you are you dating anybody right. -- it your plan toy with me I. Mean did you like. I don't that the where the right age I think we are personalities that mesh with the ages well. You want kids have done that you know things. I mean have you gone if you had some lonely Friday night everything but nobody says. I'll come. No well and add up out there.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

World Famous Sports Shoes Brand Ranking

There are plenty of sports shoes brands in the global from the famous brand to the somewhat well-known brand. However I haven't find a specific statistic number about the number of sports shoes brands by now. In domestic, LI-NING, ANTA and X-TEP are some successful brands. According to the guideline of TaoBao network, the world famous sports shoes brands ranking as follows: 1,The first brand is NIKE from America In 1972, NIKE company was found. Its predecessor is BLUE RIBBON SPORTS, which is invested by the CEO of NIKE and Bill Bormann coach. The products of NIKE include sports cloth, sports shoes and sports equipment. The proud achievements prove the words that the founder bill Bormann once said,' As long as you have a body, you are an athlete. And as long as the world has athletes, Nike will continue to grow stronger'. Nike language is sports language. 2, The second brand is Reebok from UK In 1895, Joseph Foster, the founder of Reebok, was a British sprinters lovers. He hopes to have a nail running shoes. But due to he lack of money, he had to make a pair of running shoes by himself and he named the shoes after his name Foster. The News was widely spread, this kind of running shoes was generally acceptable and taken market leadership position. The Forster nail shoes brought the historic transformation for sprint since then. Today Reebok has became the best sports shoes brand. 3,The third brand is Adidas from Germany Adidas was found in 1920,and the ADIDAS tradmark was registrated in1948. Adidas was just a shift of small businesses when it was original, but its vision has aimed at the world market. So in the early development of the company, Adidas regarded the product technical innovation as the power to expand the market and raise brand awareness. 'function first',' Give the best to athletes' are the development principles for company brand. In 1920, Adidas invented the world first pair of training shoes. The most prominent three concepts of Adidas are fashion, modern and cool enough. 4, The forth brand is PUMA from Germany People know the history of sports shoes will know PUAM and ADIDAS were built by Dassler brothers. In 1920s, When the words 'sports shoes' haven appeared, Dassler brothers started to study the shoes when people sports. In the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany, Dassler brothers let the world know for the first time that sport shoes play a crucial role in the competition. However, Success accelerated the conflict of two brothers and they decided to break up finally in 1948. The older brother Rudolf set up PUMA and younger brother built Adidas. Nowadays, PUMA is one of the most rapid growth of sports brands. Fashion person scramble for the PUMA products. 5, The fifth brand is FILA from Italy In 1926, FILA brothers launched FILA brand in Biella. In 70s, to cater for the diversification strategy and expand sports cloth business that has a broad prospect in that time. FILE developed the cloth of tennis, skiing, siwimming, golf, climb mountains, basketball and football and so on. Today, FILA win reputation with its excellent quality, novel design and extensive use. The products marketing world expands to more than 30 countries.

Monday, May 6, 2013

9 Answers to Your Foot Surgery Questions

Of the many patients we see on a daily basis, often their foot and ankle problems can be helped with conservative, non-surgical care. But there are times when surgery is necessary to relieve pain, remove a deformity or repair an injury. There are many questions that come with foot and ankle surgery and here we address the 9 most frequently asked. 1. Should I have surgery? Surgery is considered when you have foot pain that is not improved with conservative therapy or your foot and ankle deformity is severe enough that it limits your ability to wear shoes comfortably and perform daily activities without pain. 2. How long does surgery take? On average, most foot and ankle surgery takes an hour to perform. Complex trauma or reconstructive surgery for severe deformities may take 3-4 hours. 3. Will it hurt? Locsl anesthesia and mild sedation alleviate your pain during the procedure. There is post operative pain with all procedures, so you should expect some discomfort. This is relieved with icing, elevation and above all, rest. Pain medications may also be prescribed to alleviate pain as well. Most people only require pain medication for a few days, then can transition to over-the-counter medications like Advil or Tylenol for their discomfort. 4. Am I awake for surgery? We work with anesthesiologist to ensure you are comfortable and feel no pain during your surgery. Some patients prefer only mild sedation to feel relaxed. Think "twilight sleep". Other patients and some procedures require complete relaxation for which general anesthesia is required. For all patients, we use local anesthesia given by injection to block your pain once you are sleeping comfortably. 5. Where is my surgery performed? Your surgery will usually be performed at a surgery center or outpatient hospital setting. Most foot and ankle surgery is considered outpatient, which means you go home the same day surgery is performed. Some patients or procedures require more monitoring immediately post op and may stay over night in the hospital to ensure their pain is well controlled. 6. What is the recovery time? Will I need to take off work and can I drive? Recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery performed. This will be discussed during your preoperative evaluation with your surgeon. A one to two week vacation is warranted to optimally recover from foot surgery. If you are having surgery on your right foot, you cannot drive until you return to regular shoe gear and are comfortable pressing the pedals. If you drive a standard vehicle, the same holds true for right or left foot surgery. 7. Does my insurance cover surgery? Each insurance plan is different, but often surgery is covered at a percentage once a deductible is met. Your deductible amount and coverage should be discussed with your insurance company prior to surgery. At our office, we call your insurance company to verify this information, but this is always given as only an estimate of coverage. Contacting your insurance company directly can be helpful to learn about your individual coverage. 8. How many stitches will I have? This question always puts a smile on our face because somehow the more stitches you have the more complex the surgery may have been. We all know this is not true and when possible, we use a suture technique that places one long "stitch" under the skin leaving a more attractive, cosmetic scar. Your anxiety about sututre removal should be relieved by the fact that most of the time the sutures are absorbable and never need removing. 9. Will surgery fix my problem? Although, there are no guarantees, surgery is often performed to reduce a deformity and relieve pain. Post operative complications can occur, especially if directions are not followed or an unexpected event happens, but these will be discussed by your surgeon prior to your surgery. Foot surgery is quite successful when done by a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon and when the patient follows the post-operative instructions. Arrington

Friday, May 3, 2013

Buddhists outraged at Buddha's images on shoes

Washington, Aug 2: The Tibetan and the Buddhist community are outraged at a California-based company for promoting a range of shoes with the Lord Buddha's images. Tibetans and Bhutanese Buddhists have written to the company, Icon Shoes, to express their disgust. They have flooded the company's Facebook page with protest notes. There was no immediate reaction from Icon Shoes. "Unfortunately, it is a basic Buddhist tradition to treat images of Buddhist deities with reverence. Having the images on shoes is disrespect to the Buddhists," wrote Bhuchung Tsering form International Campaign for Tibet. The North American member of the Tibetan Parliament, Tashi Namgyal, wrote a protest letter to Icon Shoe. "I came across shoes with the image of Lord Buddha on it, manufactured by your company. Therefore, I would like to strongly urge your company to recall every merchandise sold with Buddha's image and stop not only selling such merchandises but manufacture of such products. Above all, I want you to tender unqualified apology posted on your website," Tashi demanded. Based out of Palm Desert, California, ICON was launched in 1999 by a Hollywood filmmaker and art collector. "Icon is for the art lover and the woman who loves shoes and handbags. We support artists by paying royalty for the use of their art," the company says on its Facebook page. "I really think you should stop manufacturing the shoes with Buddha's imprint. it is totally against Buddhist sentiment," wrote one Tshewant Gyeltshen on the company's Facebook page. "I am Buddhist. Your idea of putting Lord Buddha's image on footwear is unethical," said one Yoezer Gempo. "Why do they have to put Lord Buddha's image on shoes? Among Buddhist, we don't even let our shadow fall on His image. It cannot be ignorance since they had the guts to run a company and even call the pattern 'Thangka of the Buddha'," wrote an angry Passang Tshering on his blog..

The Perfect Solution For Losing Weight And Getting Fit

Here is a simple method which can help you get a good amount of exercises for your legs and help in getting them in great shape. There is a new product which can help you in this regard. The product I am talking about is called fitflop footwear. They are walking shoes which provide more muscle activity to your leg and calf musles. This will result in making the legs stronger and firm. All you have to do is wear these fitflop shoes and start walking. You can just carry on your everyday work while wearing these shoes. The other benefits of fitflops are that they can improve your posture and also reduce back pain and other feet ailments. You can now easily lose weight by wearing fitflops on regular basis. Now you don't need to spend hours at the gym. You can get similar amount of workout by wearing these shoes and doing your routine work. Fitflops have become a rage in Europe and America. They have been endorsed by famous personalities like Oprah Winfrey. People are eagerly trying out these shoes in order to enjoy their fitness benefits. The good thing is that these shoes are very comfortable to wear. They also come in trendy designs and are good to look at. Fitflops can be worn with any sort of dress. You can wear them at almost any occasion. They are indeed a stylish way to get lean and fit. Please remember that fitflops cannot by themselves make you lose all the weight you desire or get your feet in perfect shape. You have to do some exercising to maintain fitness - you cannot escape from it. Fitflops can just ease and accelerate the process for you. Note that nothing worthwhile in life can be achieved without some amount of hard work. The same is true for losing weight and getting fit. But with fitflops, the task becomes a little bit easier. So when are you going to try them out?